$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 newDefaultPoint, Stroke
 newItem, Stroke
 newObject, Stroke
 newPoint, Stroke
 NewPointOff, Asset
 NewPointOn, Asset
 nextActionObjectIndex, StrokeObjectGenerator
 nextActionSegmentIndex, StrokeObjectGenerator
 nextChild, TreeIterator
 nextFrame, Timeline
 nodes, Graph
 norm255, ColorHSB
 NULL, IteratorType
 numArcs, GraphNode
 numChildren, TreeNode
 numColors, ColorNameTable
 numFillColors, StrokeStyle
 numPoints, ImportSVG
 numSiblings, TreeNode
 numTweens, TimelineEx
public override function set name(labelName: String):void
Set the name of the label display object instance.
public override function set name(labelName: String):void
Sets the display object instance name for all the parts of the button.
public var name: String
Name of the scene, used as the class name in code generation.
public override function set name(labelName: String):void
Sets the display object instance name for all the parts of the button.
public static const NAME: String
The name of this software library.
public static const NAME: String
The name of this software library.
public function newDefaultPoint():void
Adds a new default segment start point to the items array of StrokeItems witha positionat origo.
public function newItem(item: StrokeItem):void
Appends a StrokeItem object to the end of the items array of StrokeItems.
public function newObject(type: String,  
sPoint: Point,  
ctPoint: Point,  
crPoint: Point = null):void
Appends a graphics primitive object at the end of the items array of StrokeItems.
public function newPoint(sPoint: Point):void
Adds a new segment start point to the items array of StrokeItems.
public static function NewPointOff():Shape
NewPointOff code generated by µShape.
public static function NewPointOn():Shape
NewPointOn code generated by µShape.
public static function get next():uint
Get the next medium color in the palette sequence
public function next():*
public var next: DListNode
The next node in the list being referenced.
public function next():Object
Returns the element at the current index and then moves on to the next.
function next():Object
Returns the element at the current index and then moves on to the next.
function next():*
Returns the current item and moves the iterator to the next item in the collection.
public function next():Object
Returns the element at the current index and then moves on to the next.
public function next():Object
Returns the element at the current index and then moves on to the next.
public function next():*
public var next: SListNode
The next node in the list being referenced.
public function next():*
private function nextActionObjectIndex(actions: Array,
fromIndex: int):int
Finds the index in the actions array of the next graphical object (circle, ellipse, rect or rounded rect).
private function nextActionSegmentIndex(actions: Array,
fromIndex: int):int
Finds the index in the actions array of the next line segment action.
public function nextChild():void
Moves the child iterator forward by one position.
public function nextFrame():void
Move the playhead forwards one frame.
public var node: DListNode
The node the iterator is currently pointing to.
public var node: GraphNode
The node that the arc points to.
public var node: SListNode
The node the iterator is pointing to.
public var node: TreeNode
The tree node being referenced.
public function nodeOf(obj: *,  
from: DListIterator = null):DListIterator
Searches for an item in the list by using strict equality (===) and returns an iterator pointing to the node containing the item or null if the item was not found.
public function nodeOf(obj: *,  
from: SListIterator = null):SListIterator
Searches for an item in the list by using strict equality (===) and returns an iterator pointing to the node containing the item or null if the item was not found.
public var nodes: Array
The graph’s nodes.
protected const norm255: Number
Multiplier used to normalize from a 0-255 range
public static const NULL: uint
Defined constant for representing the ‘NullIterator’ type.
public static var NULL_INDEX: int
A value for representing a null index.
In certain cases, such as a leaf object in a composite pattern, a null iterator is needed to maintain elegant code.
public function NullIterator()
public function get numArcs():int
The number of arcs extending from this node.
A floating point number input field with an optional label and optional auto-repeating stepper buttons.
public function NumberInput(owner: String,  
labelText: String = null,
inputValue: Number = 0.0,
changeHandler: Function = null,
useStepper: Boolean = true,
stepperColor: uint = Color.Grey,
labelWidth: uint = DEFAULT_LABEL_WIDTH,
inputWidth: uint = DEFAULT_INPUT_WIDTH,
color: uint = defaultColor,
fontSize: uint = defaultFontSize)
Creates a floating point number input field with an optional label and optional auto-repeating stepper buttons.
public function get numChildren():int
The total number of children.
public static var numColors: int
Number of colors defined in the color table.
public var numFillColors: int
Number of fill colors (0 is transparent, 1 is solid else 2-6 are gradients)
public function get numPoints():int
Returns the number of line segment points in all defined shapes.
public function get numSiblings():int
The total number of siblings.
public function get numTweens():uint
Read-only count of the number of tweens on the timeline.