$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 saturationField, ColorForm
 saveSettings, airSprite
 scaleMode, StrokeStyle
 ScaleSelection, Asset
 scaleX, MethodParser
 scaleY, MethodParser
 Scaling, Stroke
 scene, MovieScene
 Scene graph properties, SceneGraph
 Scene parsing methods, ClassParser
 Scene traversal, SceneGraph
 sceneGraph, ClassParser
 Script hightligthing, ScriptField
 Script loading, airSprite
 scriptEngineName, ScriptField
 scrollbar, ScriptField
 ScrollbarDown, CommonAsset
 scrollbarHandler, ScriptField
 ScrollbarSlider, CommonAsset
 ScrollbarUp, CommonAsset
 scrollHandler, ScriptField
 searchForKey, HashMap
 securityErrorHandler, mSprite
 selectedColor, ColorForm
 selectedColorField, ColorForm
 selectedPage, TabPane
 Selection indicator, Stroke
 Selection properties, Stroke
 Selection state, Stroke
 selectionChangeCallback, Stroke
 selectPoint, Stroke
 selectSegment, Stroke
 selectShape, Stroke
 selectStrokeAt, SceneGraph
 selectStrokeByName, SceneGraph
 serializeSettings, airSprite
 setActive, WidgetSprite
 setAdvancedTweenParams, MovieObjectGenerator
 setAll, BitVector
 setBevelParams, StrokeFilter
 setBit, BitVector
 setBlurParams, StrokeFilter
 setBoxParams, StrokeStyle
 setCol, Array2
 setDefaultValues, ColorMatrix
 setDropShadowParams, StrokeFilter
 setEndFill, StrokeStyle
 setFillParams, StrokeStyle
 setFocus, TabPane
 setFocusHandler, TabPane
 setFrame, Timeline
 setFrameRate, Timeline
 setGradientParams, StrokeStyle
 setLeft, BinaryTreeNode
 setMinMax, Scrollbar
 setOwnerActive, WidgetSprite
 setPathTweenParams, MovieObjectGenerator
 setRefreshRate, Renderer
 setRight, BinaryTreeNode
 setRow, Array2
 setSelectionChangeCallback, Stroke
 setSelectionIndexCallback, SceneGraph
 setSelectionStrokeCallback, SceneGraph
 setSizeChangeCallback, SceneGraph
 setStageReference, AnimationManager
 setStyleParams, StrokeStyle
 setTweenParams, MovieObjectGenerator
 setupCoordinateSystem, StrokeObjectGenerator
 setupMovieProperties, MovieObjectGenerator
 setupSceneMethods, MovieObjectGenerator
 setupStrokeActions, StrokeObjectGenerator
 setupStrokeProperties, StrokeObjectGenerator
 setupTimeline, MovieObjectGenerator
 setupTimelineTweens, MovieObjectGenerator
 shadow, Color
 Shape object methods, ShapeSVG
 shapeName, Stroke
 shapes, ImportSVG
 shiftDown, Array2
 shiftLeft, Array2
 shiftRight, Array2
 showGenerateForm, MainForm
 showIndicator, Stroke
 showPoints, Stroke
 showSelectedStroke, SceneGraph
 showTrace, SceneGraph
 Shutdown methods, airSprite
 SINE_IN, Transitions
 SINE_IN_AND_OUT, Transitions
 SINE_OUT, Transitions
 sineIn, Transitions
 sineInAndOut, Transitions
 sineOut, Transitions
 singleLineComment, MethodParser
 sizeX, DialogBox
 sizeY, DialogBox
 slider, Scrollbar
 solidFillAlpha, StrokeStyle
 solidFillColor, StrokeStyle
 splitScript, ClassParser
 spread, StrokeStyle
 stage, Global
 START, AnimationEvent
 startAll, Renderer
 startEnterFrame, Renderer
 startTimer, Renderer
 Startup methods, airSprite
 state, ToggleButton
 Static helpers, StrokeCodeGenerator
 Static properties, Stroke
 staticTypeInfo, ColorNameTable
 StepperDownArrow, CommonAsset
 StepperUpArrow, CommonAsset
 STOP, AnimationEvent
 stopAll, Renderer
 StopAnimation, Asset
 stopEnterFrame, Renderer
 stopTimer, Renderer
 storeSettings, airSprite
 stream, airSprite
 String conversion
 String conversion methods, ColorHSB
 stripComments, MethodParser
 stripMethodPrefix, MovieObjectGenerator
 stripQuotes, MovieObjectGenerator
 Stroke class types, Stroke
 Stroke creation, SceneGraph
 Stroke point names, Stroke
 Stroke removal, SceneGraph
 Stroke selection, SceneGraph
 Stroke update, SceneGraph
 strokeList, ClassParser
 strokeName, Stroke
 strokePoint, StrokeItem
 strokeRotation, Stroke
 strokes, SceneGraph
 strokeSprite, StrokeItem
 Structure creation, StrokeItem
 Structure destruction, StrokeItem
 Structure manipulation, StrokeItem
 style, StrokeItem
 Style manipulation, StrokeStyle
 substrUntil, Utility
 SYMBOL_CIRCLE, BubbleButton
 SYMBOL_DOT, BubbleButton
 SYMBOL_NONE, BubbleButton
 SYMBOL_X, BubbleButton
 SyncOff, Asset
 SyncOn, Asset
 syntax, ScriptField
 syntaxHighlight, ScriptField
public function saturation(objTarget: IColorable,  
nTargetValue: Number,  
nDuration: Number,  
strTransition: String = DEFAULT_TRANSITION,
uRenderMethod: uint = DEFAULT_RENDER_METHOD):void
Animates the saturation of a ‘colorable’ object to the desired target color value.
public function get saturation():Number
Calculates the saturation of the current color.
public function get saturation():Number
Gets the current saturation setting.
The ‘SaturationAnimation’ class animates the saturation of any colorable display object.
public function SaturationAnimation(objTarget: IColorable,
nTargetValue: Number,
nDuration: Number,
strTransition: String,
uRenderMethod: uint)
private var saturationField: IntegerInput
Saturation integer input field.
private function saveSettings():void
Store settings in XML serialized form.
public function scale(objTarget: DisplayObject,  
nTargetValueX: Number,  
nTargetValueY: Number,  
nDuration: Number,  
strTransition: String = DEFAULT_TRANSITION,
uRenderMethod: uint = DEFAULT_RENDER_METHOD):void
Animates the ‘scaleX’ and ‘scaleY’ properties of a display object to the desired target values.
public function scale(xScale: Number,
yScale: Number):void
Scale all items in the stroke.
public function scale(xScale: Number,
yScale: Number):void
Scale the position of a StrokeItem.
public function scale(xScale: Number,
yScale: Number):void
Scale the width of the line according the requested scaling and the setting of the LineScaleMode property.
The ‘ScaleAnimation’ class animates the ‘scaleX’ and ‘scaleY’ properties of a display object.
public function ScaleAnimation(objTarget: DisplayObject,
nTargetValueX: Number,
nTargetValueY: Number,
nDuration: Number,
strTransition: String,
uRenderMethod: uint)
public var scaleMode: String
Line LineScaleMode enum
public static function ScaleSelection():Shape
ScaleSelection code generated by µShape.
public var scaleX: Number
Horizontal scaling of the asset
public var scaleY: Number
Vertical scaling of the asset
public var scene: SceneGraph
Movie scene graph holding shapes, masks and paths.
User interface for scene graph display, layer selection and properties.
public var sceneGraph: Array
Array of parent/child relationships
Holds a scene organized as a graph of stroke layers.
public function SceneGraph(onSizeChange: Function,
onStrokeChange: Function,
onSelectionChange: Function)
Create a new scene graph object with a default stroke.
private var scriptEngineName: String
Name of the script engine language currently used for syntax highlighting.
A multi-line text field with optional syntax highlighting for scripts written in the ActionScript 3/haxe, xml/flex/degrafa/svg/xaml or ruby/hotruby.
public function ScriptField(owner: String,  
inputText: String = "",
fieldWidth: uint = DEFAULT_WIDTH,
fieldHeight: uint = DEFAULT_HEIGHT,
color: uint = defaultColor,
fontSize: uint = defaultFontSize)
Creates a multi-line script field with word wrap and a vertical scrollbar.
private var scrollbar: Scrollbar
Vertical scrollbar to allow browsing of larger scripts.
Scrollbar widget.
public function Scrollbar(owner: String,  
height: uint,  
minValue: Number,  
maxValue: Number,  
increment: Number,  
positionHandler: Function,  
frontColor: uint = Color.Grey,
backColor: uint = Color.DarkGrey)
Creates a vertical scrollbar suitable for a multiline text field.
public static function ScrollbarDown():Shape
ScrollbarDown code generated by µSprite.
private function scrollbarHandler(newPosition: Number):void
The user has manipulated the scrollbar position.
public static function ScrollbarSlider():Sprite
ScrollbarSlider code generated by µSprite.
public static function ScrollbarUp():Shape
ScrollbarUp code generated by µSprite.
private function scrollHandler(event: Event):void
The user has scrolled the text in the input field.
protected function searchForKey(objKey: Object):int
Searches through the keys array to see if the key is being stored by this object.
private function securityErrorHandler(event: SecurityErrorEvent):void
Displays a security error message.
public static const SEGMENT_POINT: String
Continuation of a line segment/path.
public static const SEGMENT_START: String
Start of a line segment/path.
private var selectedColor: ColorHSB
Currently selected color in the dialog
private var selectedColorField: StringInput
RGB and named color text input field.
public var selectedIndex: int
Index of the currently selected stroke
public var selectedIndex: int
Index of currently selected point in the stroke
public var selectedPage: String
Name of the currently selected page (the displayed page with focus).
private var selectionChangeCallback: Function
Callback invoked on selection index change
public var selectPoint: Boolean
Point selection
public var selectSegment: Boolean
Segment selection
public var selectShape: Boolean
Shape selection
public function selectStrokeAt(index: int):Stroke
Change the selected stroke to the stroke with the given index.
public function selectStrokeByName(name: String):Stroke
Change the selected stroke to the stroke with the given asset shape name.
private function serializeSettings():XML
Serializes the current application state into an XML object.
public function set(x: int,
y: int,
obj: *):void
Writes a value into a cell at the given x/y index.
public function set(x: int,
y: int,
z: int,
obj: *):void
Writes a value into a cell at the given x/y/z index.
public function set(obj: *):void
Writes an item to the set.
A set is a collection of values, without any particular order and no repeated values.
public function Set()
Creates a new empty set.
public function setActive(state: Boolean):void
Sets the state of the widget to active or inactive.
private function setAdvancedTweenParams(params: Array):String
Sets tween parameters for a new advanced tween added to the movie timeline.
public function setAll():void
Sets each bit to 1.
public function setAt(i: int,
obj: *):void
Writes an item relative to the front index.
public function setAt(i: int,
obj: *):void
Writes an item at a given index.
public function setBevelParams(params: Array):void
Adds a bevel filter to the shape with the given parameters.
public function setBit(index: int,
b: Boolean):void
Sets a bit at a given index.
public function setBlurParams(params: Array):void
Adds a blur filter to the shape with the given parameters.
public function setBoxParams(params: Array):void
Sets the gradient box properties to the given parameters.
public function setCol(x: int,
a: Array):void
Inserts new values into a complete column of the two-dimensional array.
protected function setDefaultValues():void
Applies all default values to the corresponding properties.
public function setDropShadowParams(params: Array):void
Adds a dropshadow filter to the shape with the given parameters.
public function setEndFill():void
Sets the fill properties to transparent.
public function setFillParams(params: Array):void
Sets the solid fill properties to the given parameters.
public function setFocus(pageName: String):void
Change focus to a named tab page.
private function setFocusHandler(event: MouseEvent):void
Changes focus to a tab page when the user clicks on its tab.
protected function setFrame(uFrame: Number):void
Sets the current frame of the playhead.
public function setFrameRate(nFrameRate: Number):void
Sets the frame rate this timeline plays at.
public function setGradientParams(params: Array):void
Sets the linear or radial gradient fill properties to the given parameters.
public function setLeft(obj: *):void
Writes data into the left child.
public function setMinMax(minValue: Number,
maxValue: Number):void
Sets the minimum and maximum values for the scrollbar.
public static function setOwnerActive(owner: String,
state: Boolean):void
Sets all widgets registered to owner to the given state.
private function setPathTweenParams(params: Array):String
Sets tween parameters for a new motion path tween added to the movie timeline.
public function setRefreshRate(nRefreshRate: Number):void
Sets the refresh rate of this renderer if it is Timer driven.
public function setRight(obj: *):void
Writes data into the right child.
public function setRow(y: uint,
a: Array):void
Inserts new values into a complete row of the two-dimensional array.
public function setSelectionChangeCallback(
   onSelectionChangeCallback: Function
Change the callback invoked when the selectedIndex in the stroke is changed.
public function setSelectionIndexCallback(
   onSelectionIndexCallback: Function
Change the callback function called when the selected stroke point changes
public function setSelectionStrokeCallback(
   onSelectionStrokeCallback: Function
Change the callback function called when the selected stroke changes
public function setSizeChangeCallback(onSizeChangeCallback: Function):void
Change the callback function called when the scene graph changes size
protected function setStageReference(objTarget: DisplayObject):void
Sets a global reference to the ‘Stage’ if one doesn’t already exist.
public function setStyleParams(params: Array):void
Sets the line style properties to the given parameters.
private const SETTINGS_FILENAME: String
Name of application configuration file.
private function setTweenParams(params: Array):String
Sets tween parameters for a new tween added to the movie timeline.
private function setupCoordinateSystem(parser: MethodParser):void
Sets the stroke coordinate system for according to defined coordinate system values present in the parser.
private function setupMovieProperties(parser: ClassParser):String
Sets movie scene properties for name, background color, timeline framerate, loop state and scene coordinate system according to the values present in the parser.
private function setupSceneMethods(sceneRelations: Array,
maskNames: Array,
sceneMethods: Array):String
Sets the movie scene graph reestablishing parent/child relationships of shapes, masks and paths.
private function setupStrokeActions(actions: Array):String
Sets stroke shape point and object item positions, line and fill styles, gradient boxes and shape filters according to the actions present in the parsed action array.
private function setupStrokeProperties(parser: MethodParser):void
Sets stroke properties for transparency, rotation, scale and position according to the values present in the parser.
private function setupTimeline(parser: MethodParser):String
Sets timeline properties from a method parser object.
private function setupTimelineTweens(actions: Array):String
Sets timeline tweens from a method parser object.
public static function shadow(color: uint):uint
Convert a color value to its shadow palette variation.
public var shape: Shape
Display object used as render target to display the stroke
private var shape: DisplayObject
Reference to Stroke shape which filters are managed.
A button widget with a slightly raised look and an optional graphics shape placed above an optional label text.
public function ShapeButton(owner: String,  
upShapeFunction: Function,  
downShapeFunction: Function,  
labelText: String = null,
color: uint = Color.Grey,
clickHandler: Function = null,
buttonWidth: Number = DEFAULT_WIDTH,
buttonHeight: Number = DEFAULT_HEIGHT,
autoRepeat: int = 100)
Creates a button with a graphics shape and/or a label text.
public function set shapeName(newName: String):void
Change the name of the stroke asset.
public var shapes: Array
Array of ShapeSVG objects.
Shape object used in SVG import.
public function ShapeSVG(shapeName: String,
shapeP: Point,
shapePts: Array,
shapeRotation: int,
shapeFill: Object,
shapeStroke: Object):void
ShapeSVG object Constructor.
public function shiftDown():void
Shifts all rows down by one row.
public function shiftLeft():void
Shifts all columns by one column to the left.
public function shiftRight():void
Shifts all columns by one column to the right.
public function shiftUp():void
Shifts all rows up by one row.
public function shiftUp():void
Removes and appends the head node to the tail.
public function shiftUp():void
Removes and appends the head node to the tail.
public function ShowDialog(parent: Sprite,
colorField: StringInput):void
Displays the color selection dialog.
public function ShowDialog(parent: Sprite,  
confirmMessage: String = null,
closeHandler: Function = null):void
Displays the confirmation dialog message and calls the closeHandler when the user confirms or cancels the dialog.
public function ShowDialog(parent: Sprite,  
closeHandler: Function = null):void
Displays the dialog box ensuring the displayed script is up-to-date.
public function ShowDialog(parent: Sprite,  
closeHandler: Function = null):void
Displays the dialog box after updating the UI widgets from the dialogbox interchange data.
public function ShowDialog(parent: Sprite,  
tweenName: String,  
closeHandler: Function = null):void
Displays the dialog box after updating the UI widgets from the dialogbox interchange data.
public function showGenerateForm():void
Displays the script edit dialogbox
public function set showIndicator(state: Boolean):void
Change whether the selection indicator is shown (true) or not.
public function set showPoints(state: Boolean):void
Change whether control points are shown (true) or not.
private function showSelectedStroke():void
Show the selected stroke.
private var showTrace: Boolean
True when trace view is in effect, that is when layers that are not selected are set to be displayed semi-transparently behind the selected layer.
public static function shrinkSequencesOf(
   str: String,
   ch: String
):String // String.prototype.shrinkSequencesOf = function(ch:String):String
Timothee Groleau’s String method shrinkSequencesOf.
public static function shrinkSequencesOf(str: String,
ch: String):String
Shrink all sequences of a given character in a string to one.
public static const SINE_IN: String
Reference to the sine in easing equation.
public static const SINE_IN_AND_OUT: String
Reference to the sine in and out easing equation.
public static const SINE_OUT: String
Reference to the sine out easing equation.
public static function sineIn(t: Number,
b: Number,
c: Number,
d: Number):Number
Sine in easing equation.
public static function sineInAndOut(t: Number,
b: Number,
c: Number,
d: Number):Number
Sine in and out easing equation.
public static function sineOut(t: Number,
b: Number,
c: Number,
d: Number):Number
Sine out easing equation.
private static const singleLineComment: String
Regex token for a comment to end of line.
Simple class for enforcing the fact that the ‘EventBroadcaster’ class is to be used as a singleton.
public function size(objTarget: DisplayObject,  
nTargetValueW: Number,  
nTargetValueH: Number,  
nDuration: Number,  
strTransition: String = DEFAULT_TRANSITION,
uRenderMethod: uint = DEFAULT_RENDER_METHOD):void
Animates the ‘width’ and ‘height’ properties of a display object to the desired target values.
public function get size():int
public function get size():int
public function get size():int
public function get size():int
public function get size():int
private var size: uint
Diameter of the button in pixels
function get size():int
The total number of items.
public function get size():int
public function get size():int
public function get size():int
public function get size():int
public function get size():int
public function get size():int
public function get size():int
public function get size():int
public function get size():int
public function get size():int
public function get size():int
Counts the total number of tree nodes starting from the current tree node.
The ‘SizeAnimation’ class animates the ‘width’ and ‘height’ properties of a display object.
public function SizeAnimation(objTarget: DisplayObject,
nTargetValueW: Number,
nTargetValueH: Number,
nDuration: Number,
strTransition: String,
uRenderMethod: uint)
private var sizeX: uint
Width of the dialog box including borders.
private var sizeY: uint
Height of the dialog box including title bar and bottom border.
private var slider: Sprite
Scrollbar slider.
public function sLinkedInsertionSort(node: SListNode,  
descending: Boolean = false):SListNode
DATA STRUCTURES FOR GAME PROGRAMMERS Copyright © 2007 Michael Baczynski,
public function sLinkedInsertionSortCmp(node: SListNode,  
cmp: Function,  
descending: Boolean = false):SListNode
DATA STRUCTURES FOR GAME PROGRAMMERS Copyright © 2007 Michael Baczynski,
A singly linked list.
public function SLinkedList(...args)
Initializes an empty list.
public function sLinkedMergeSort(node: SListNode,  
descending: Boolean = false):SListNode
DATA STRUCTURES FOR GAME PROGRAMMERS Copyright © 2007 Michael Baczynski,
public function sLinkedMergeSortCmp(node: SListNode,  
cmp: Function,  
descending: Boolean = false):SListNode
DATA STRUCTURES FOR GAME PROGRAMMERS Copyright © 2007 Michael Baczynski,
A singly linked list iterator.
public function SListIterator(list: SLinkedList = null,
node: SListNode = null)
Creates a new SListIterator instance pointing to a given node.
A singly linked list node.
public function SListNode(obj: *)
Creates a new node storing a given item.
public var solidFillAlpha: Number
Solid fill alpha
public var solidFillColor: uint
Solid fill color
public function sort(...sortOptions):void
Sorts the list.
public function sort(...sortOptions):void
Sorts the list.
DATA STRUCTURES FOR GAME PROGRAMMERS Copyright © 2007 Michael Baczynski,
public function splice(start: DListIterator,  
deleteCount: uint = 0xffffffff,
...args   ):DLinkedList
Adds nodes to and removes nodes from the list.
public function splice(start: SListIterator,  
deleteCount: uint = 0xffffffff,
...args   ):SLinkedList
Adds nodes to and removes nodes from the list.
private function splitScript(script: String):Array
Splits a class script into parts.
public var spread: String
Gradient fill SpreadMethod enum
Stores data in a ‘first on, last off’ fashion.
public function Stack()
public static function get stage():Stage
Gets a reference to the stage.
public function get start():Point
Gets the starting point of the curve.
public function start():void
function get start():Point
Gets the starting point of the path segment.
function start():void
Moves the iterator to the first item in the collection.
private function start(interval: uint):void
Start auto-repeating clicks on the button.
public function start(interval: uint = 1000):void
Start animating the shape.
public function start():void
Nullified behaviour.
public function get start():Point
Gets the starting point of the path.
public function start(nRenderMethod: Number):void
Starts rendering for the specified render method.
public function start(interval: uint = 20):void
Start animating the shape.
private function start(interval: uint):void
Start auto-repeating clicks on the button.
public function start():void
public function start():void
Resets the vertical iterator so that it points to the root of the tree.
public static const START: String
Event type constant for the ‘animationStart’ event.
public function startAll():void
Starts rendering for all render methods.
protected function startEnterFrame():void
Starts listening for the enter frame event.
protected function startTimer():void
Starts the timer.
public function get state():Boolean
Get the current state of the toggle button
private static var staticTypeInfo: XML
Temporary used to hold type information about the class itself.
public var step: Number
Step size used when incrementing/decrementing
public var step: Number
Step size used when incrementing/decrementing
private var stepColor: uint
Base theme color of the stepper buttons
private var stepColor: uint
Base theme color of the stepper buttons
public static function StepperDownArrow():Shape
StepperDownArrow code generated by µShape.
public static function StepperUpArrow():Shape
StepperUpArrow code generated by µShape.
private function stop():void
Stops and removes the auto-repeat timer.
public function stop():void
Stop animating the shape.
public function stop(nRenderMethod: Number):void
Stops rendering for the specified render method.
public function stop():void
Stop animating the shape.
private function stop():void
Stops and removes the auto-repeat timer.
public function stop():void
Stops this timeline at the current frame.
public static const STOP: String
Event type constant for the ‘animationStop’ event.
public function stopAll():void
Stops rendering for all render methods.
public static function StopAnimation():Shape
StopAnimation code generated by µSprite.
protected function stopEnterFrame():void
Stops listening for the enter frame event.
protected function stopTimer():void
Stops the timer.
private function storeSettings(settings: XML):void
Writes the XML settings object to the application configuration file.
private var stream: FileStream
A FileStream object temporarily used to read and write script files.
A one line text input field with an optional label.
public function StringInput(owner: String,  
labelText: String = null,
inputText: String = "",
changeHandler: Function = null,
labelWidth: uint = DEFAULT_LABEL_WIDTH,
inputWidth: uint = DEFAULT_INPUT_WIDTH,
color: uint = defaultColor,
fontSize: uint = defaultFontSize)
Creates a one line input text field with an optional label.
String utility methods used in SVG import.
public static function stripComments(script: String):String
Strip comments from a script.
private function stripMethodPrefix(methodName: String):String
Removes the method name prefix to obtain the name of the asset created by the method.
private function stripQuotes(quotedString: String):String
Removes double quotes from a string
private var stroke: Stroke
A ‘weak’ reference to the stroke object defining the advanced value path
private var stroke: Stroke
A ‘weak’ reference to the stroke object defining the advanced value path
public var stroke: Stroke
Currently selected stroke
public var stroke: Object
Shape line style (default black stroke)
public var stroke: Stroke
Stroke object that is updated by a call to updateFromParser.
Defines a stroke object consisting of curves, line segments and primitive graphics objects.
public function Stroke(strokeStyles: Array,  
throughPoints: Array,  
curvePoints: Array,  
onSelectionChangeCallback: Function = null,
isDefaultItem: Boolean = false)
Create a stroke object for a graphics shape or path.
An encapsulation of code generation for a graphical stroke.
Manages bitmap filter effects applied to a Stroke shape.
public function StrokeFilter(shape: DisplayObject)
Constructor that stores a reference to the shape to manage filters for.
User interface for stroke shape naming, coordinate system and actions.
Defines a stroke item structure, that is a curve or line segment point or an object such as a circle, ellipse or rectangle.
public function StrokeItem(itemParent: DisplayObjectContainer,  
itemType: String,  
itemStyle: StrokeStyle,  
strokePt: Point,  
controlPt: Point = null,
cornerPt: Point = null)
Constructor for creation of a StrokeItem.
public var strokeList: Array
Array of MethodParsers with stroke shapes and paths
public static const strokeName: String
Display object name of a stroke.
Updates a stroke shape or path object with properties obtained by a method parser.
public var strokePoint: Point
Primary stroke point for the item.
public var strokeRotation: Number
Rotation of the stroke relative to parent
private var strokes: Graph
General graph data structure used to hold the scene graph strokes.
public var strokeSprite: Sprite
Sprite representing the primary stroke point.
Defines a stroke line and fill style for a line segment, a curve or a graphics primitive object.
public function StrokeStyle(strokeWidth: Number = 1.0,
strokeColor: uint = 0x000000,
transparency: Number = 1.0,
usePixelHinting: Boolean = false,
strokeScaleMode: String = "normal",
capStyle: String = "round",
jointStyle: String = "round",
strokeMiterLimit: Number = 3,
numColorsInFill: uint = 0,
fillColor: uint = 0x000000,
fillAlpha: Number = 1.0,
gradientType: String = "linear",
spreadMethod: String = "pad",
interpolationMethod: String = "rgb",
focalRatio: Number = 0,
gradientBoxWidth: Number = 100,
gradientBoxHeight: Number = 100,
gradientBoxRotation: Number = 0,
gradientBoxTx: Number = 0,
gradientBoxTy: Number = 0,
fillColors: Array = null,
fillAlphas: Array = null,
fillRatios: Array = null)
Creates a stroke style object holding line style and solid or gradient fill properties for a StrokeItem.
A class of static helper functions for strokes.
public var style: StrokeStyle
Line and fill StrokeStyle in effect for the item.
An encapsulation of code generation for the style of a graphical stroke.
public static function substrUntil(str: String,
endToken: String):String
Returns a substring matching the part of string until the end token.
Some of the autotelicum SVG import classes are derivatives based on AS1/AS2 code by a number of contributors.
User interface for import of SVG XML.
public static const SYMBOL_CIRCLE: uint
A circle is drawn on the button
public static const SYMBOL_DOT: uint
A dot is drawn on the button
public static const SYMBOL_NONE: uint
No symbol is drawn on the button
public static const SYMBOL_X: uint
An X symbol (close) is drawn on the button
public static function SyncOff():Shape
SyncOff code generated by µShape.
public static function SyncOn():Shape
SyncOn code generated by µShape.
private var syntax: Object
A dynamic object holding syntax properties of the current script language.
private function syntaxHighlight():void
Syntax highlights by setting text formats on the script field text.