$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 unlink, DListNode
 unregister, WidgetSprite
 up, TreeIterator
 upButton, Scrollbar
 updateBackgroundColor, DrawForm
 updateColorGradient, ColorForm
 updateColorSelector, ColorForm
 updateControlView, DrawForm
 updateField, ColorForm
 updateFromFilters, FilterForm
 updateFromModelSize, DrawForm
 updateFromMovie, TimelineForm
 updateFromScene, SceneForm
 updateFromScript, GenerateForm
 updateFromState, LayerForm
 updateIndicator, Stroke
 updateItem, StrokeItem
 updateParentChildTypeNames, SceneGraph
 updatePlayControls, PlayForm
 updateRecentColors, ColorForm
 updateSelectedIndex, Stroke
 updateStatusText, DrawForm
 updateStrokeAt, SceneGraph
 updateStrokeName, DrawForm
 updateTargetFilter, FilterTween
 updateTargetFliter, FilterAnimation
 updateTimelinePosition, TimelineForm
 updateTimelineTooltips, TimelineForm
 updateTip, Tooltips
 upOffState, ToggleButton
 upOnState, ToggleButton
 usesBevelFilter, SceneGraph
 usesBlurFilter, SceneGraph
 usesShadowFilter, SceneGraph
 Utility methods, MovieScene
 valueOf, ColorMatrix
 values, ColorNameTable
 verifyPropertyType, StrokeUtils
 VERSION, BoostworthyAnimation
 viewRectangle, Stroke
 viewTrace, SceneGraph
public function unlink():void
A helper function used solely by the DLinkedList class to unlink the node from the list.
public function unregister():void
Removes the registered ownership of a widget.
public function up():void
Moves the iterator up by one level of the tree, so that it points to the parent of the current tree node.
private var upButton: ShapeButton
Scrollbar up button.
public function update():void
Removes the first circle and adds a new.
private function update():void
Rotates the shape to create the illusion of movement.
public function updateBackgroundColor(color: uint):void
Change the drawing area background color.
private function updateColorGradient(hue: Number,
saturation: Number,
brightness: Number):void
Updates the saturation/brightness gradient box based on a new hue.
private function updateColorSelector(hue: Number,
saturation: Number,
brightness: Number):void
Updates the position of the color selector circle.
public function updateControlView():void
Update the two eye icons showing the control view state of control points and indicator to reflect the selected stroke’s state.
private var updateField: StringInput
A ‘weak’ reference to the field the dialog is currently updating in the calling application
public function updateFromFilters(filters: Array):void
Updates the UI widgets from the filters in the array.
public function updateFromModelSize(size: uint):void
Update the maximum value that the selectLayerField spin button will increment to.
public function updateFromMovie(newMovie: MovieScene):void
Updates the UI widgets from the properties in the MovieScene.
public function updateFromParser(parser: ClassParser):String
Updates the movie scene object with properties collected by a ClassParser.
public function updateFromParser(parser: MethodParser):String
Updates the stroke object with properties collected by a MethodParser.
public function updateFromScene(strokes: SceneGraph):void
Updates the UI widgets and the graphical representation of the scene graph to the updated SceneGraph.
public function updateFromScript(script: String):void
Change the shown text to the new script.
public function updateFromState():void
Updates the UI widgets from the dialogbox interchange data
public function updateFromStroke(newStroke: Stroke,
selectedLayerIndex: int):void
Updates the UI widgets, shown stroke and coordinate system view from the properties in the Stroke and index.
public function updateFromStroke(newStroke: Stroke,
index: int):void
Updates the UI widgets from the stroke point style at the index in Stroke.
public function updateFromStroke(stroke: Stroke,
index: int):void
Updates the UI widgets from the stroke point style at the index in Stroke.
public function updateFromStroke(newStroke: Stroke):void
Updates the UI widgets from the properties in the Stroke.
public function updateFromStroke(newStroke: Stroke):void
Updates the UI widgets from the properties in the Stroke.
private function updateIndicator():void
Change position of the indicator to the selectedIndex stroke point position.
public function updateItem(itemType: String,  
strokePt: Point,  
controlPt: Point = null,
cornerPt: Point = null):void
Change type and points on the existing StrokeItem.
public function updateParentChildTypeNames():void
Updates the Stroke class types for the stroke in the scene.
public function updatePlayControls(timeline: TimelineEx,
state: Boolean):void
Updates the PlayForm’s timeline and the visibility of the play widgets.
private function updateRecentColors():void
A selected color is inserted into the array of recently used colors if it is not already present.
public function updateSelectedIndex(index: int):void
Change the selectedIndex in the items array of StrokeItems.
public function updateStatusText(frameNumber: uint = ):void
Updates the status text fields with information about mouse position and dragging action.
public function updateStrokeAt(updatedStroke: Stroke,
index: int):void
Change the stroke stored at an index position.
public function updateStrokeName():void
Refresh the shown stroke asset name.
protected function updateTargetFilter(nValue: Number):void
Updates the target filter by applying the specified value to it’s property, then reapplies itself to the target object.
protected function updateTargetFliter(nValue: Number):void
Updates the target filter by applying the specified value to it’s property, then reapplies itself to the target object.
public function updateTimelinePosition(currentFrame: uint):void
Update the timeline frame marker to a new position.
public function updateTimelineTooltips():void
Updates the timeline tooltips from the stored timeline reference to ensure stroke names are refreshed.
public function updateTip(item: DisplayObject,  
itemName: String,  
text: String,  
position: Point = null):void
Update an existing tooltip and display it.
private var upOffState: Shape
Button shape shown when the button is not pressed down and its state is off
private var upOnState: Shape
Button shape shown when the button is not pressed down and its state is on
private var upState: BubbleButtonState
Visual state of the button when it is unselected
private var upState: Sprite
Sprite displayed when the button is not pressed.
private var upState: Sprite
Sprite displayed when the button is not pressed.
public function usesBevelFilter():Boolean
Tests for use of a bevel filter in any strokes.
public function usesBlurFilter():Boolean
Tests for use of a blur filter in any strokes.
public function usesShadowFilter():Boolean
Tests for use of a drop shadow filter in any strokes.
Various helper functions placed in a Utility class.
public function valid():Boolean
Checks if the current referenced node is valid.
public function valid():Boolean
Checks if the current referenced node is valid.
public function valid():Boolean
Checks if the node is valid.
public function get value():int
Get the integer value from the field.
public function get value():Number
Get the numeric value from the field.
public function valueOf():Array
Returns the raw array of color transform data that this object represents.
private static var values: Object
Associative array of color values and names for reverse lookup
public static function verifyPropertyType(stroke: Stroke,
tweenType: String):Boolean
Verifies that the Stroke object has a transform or filter compatible with the TweenEx type by adding it as needed.
public static const VERSION: String
The version of this software library.
public var viewRectangle: Rectangle
Zoomed view rectangle
public function viewTrace(state: Boolean):void
When on shows all strokes semi-transparently in the background behind the selected layer.