Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 calculate, Lorenz
 callAgain, DelayCall
 callbackHandler, DelayCall
 CancelSymbol, CommonAsset
 checkBufferLengthEF, Framebuffer
 checkBufferLengthT, Framebuffer
 childEnd, TreeIterator
 childStart, TreeIterator
 childValid, TreeIterator
 CircleOff, Asset
 CircleOn, Asset
 clearBuffer, Framebuffer
 clearMarks, Graph
 closeColorDialog, ColorForm
 ClosedEye, Asset
 CloseLine, Asset
 color, AnimationManager
 ColorAnimation, ColorAnimation
 ColorForm, ColorForm
 ColorHSB(hue,saturation,brightness), ColorHSB
 ColorHSB(rgbColor), ColorHSB
 ColorMatrix, ColorMatrix
 ColorStrip, Asset
 computeFrameData, Timeline
 ConfirmForm, ConfirmForm
 containsKey, HashMap
 contrast, AnimationManager
 ContrastAnimation, ContrastAnimation
 Controller, Controller
 convertStrokeIndexToPath, MovieScene
 convertStrokeToPath, StrokeUtils
 count, BinaryTreeNode
 createColorGradient, ColorForm
 createColorHue, ColorForm
 createDefaultPath, SceneGraph
 createDefaultStroke, SceneGraph
 createGradientArray, TabPane
 createIndicator, Stroke
 createPoints, Stroke
 createPointSprite, StrokeItem
 createScaleButton, mSprite
 createShapeDef, ImportSVG
 createTab, TabPane
 cubicIn, Transitions
 cubicInAndOut, Transitions
 cubicOut, Transitions
 Curve, Curve
 curveTo, Path
private function calculate():void
Calculates the next x0, y0, z0 values based on their current values.
public function callAgain():void
Call this method from within a delayed function to simulate a recursive loop.
private function callbackHandler(event: TimerEvent):void
Calls the delayed function with its context argument.
private function cancelDialog():void
Called when the user cancels the dialog.
private function cancelDialog():void
Called when the user cancels the dialog.
public static function CancelSymbol():Shape
CancelSymbol code generated by µSprite.
protected function checkBufferLengthEF():void
Checks the enter frame buffer to see if it is empty.
protected function checkBufferLengthT():void
Checks the timer buffer to see if it is empty.
public function childEnd():void
Moves the child iterator to the last child.
public function childStart():void
Moves the child iterator to the first child.
public function childValid():Boolean
Determines if the child iterator is valid.
public static function CircleOff():Shape
CircleOff code generated by µShape.
public static function CircleOn():Shape
CircleOn code generated by µShape.
public function clear():void
public function clear():void
public function clear():void
public function clear():void
public function clear():void
The tree is cleared recursively, starting from the node on which the method is called.
public function clear():void
Resets all bits to 0;
public function clear():void
Clears all animations from the buffer.
function clear():void
Clears all items.
public function clear():void
public function clear():void
public function clear():void
public function clear():void
public function clear():void
public function clear():void
public function clear():void
public function clear():void
Clears the data being stored by this object.
public function clear():void
public function clear():void
public function clear():void
public function clear():void
Remove all filters from the shape.
public function clear():void
public function clearBuffer():void
Clears all animations from the buffers.
public function clearMarks():void
Marks are used to keep track of the nodes that have been visited during a depth-first or breadth-first traversal.
public function clone():ITween
Creates a new action object that is a clone of this object.
public function clone():ITween
Creates a new advanced tween object that is a clone of this object.
public override function clone():ITween
Makes a copy of the object.
public function clone():ColorMatrix
Creates a new color matrix object that is a clone of this object.
public function clone():IPathSegment
Clones this object.
public function clone():ITween
Creates a new filter tween object that is a clone of this object.
public function clone():HashMap
Creates a new hash map that is a clone of this collection.
function clone():IPathSegment
Clones this object.
function clone():ITween
Creates a new tween object that is a clone of it’s creator.
public override function clone():IPathSegment
Clones this object.
public function clone():ITween
Creates a new path tween object that is a clone of this object.
public override function clone():ITween
Makes a copy of the object.
public function clone():StrokeItem
Returns a deep copy of the StrokeItem instance.
public function clone():StrokeStyle
Returns a deep-copy of the StrokeStyle instance.
public function clone():ITween
Creates a new tween object that is a clone of this object.
public override function clone():ITween
Makes a copy of the object.
private function closeColorDialog(accepted: Boolean):void
Called when the base dialog class dismisses the dialog.
public static function ClosedEye(rightSide: Boolean = true):Shape
ClosedEye code generated by µShape.
public static function CloseLine():Shape
CloseLine code generated by µShape.
public function color(objTarget: DisplayObject,  
nTargetValue: Number,  
nDuration: Number,  
strTransition: String = DEFAULT_TRANSITION,
uRenderMethod: uint = DEFAULT_RENDER_METHOD):void
Animates the color of a display object to the desired target color value.
public function ColorAnimation(objTarget: DisplayObject,
nTargetValue: Number,
nDuration: Number,
strTransition: String,
uRenderMethod: uint)
public function ColorForm(formColor: uint)
Constructor of the base color form dialog.
Creates a ColorHSB object from given hue, saturation and brightness values.
public function ColorHSB(colorOrHue: Number = 0,
sat: Number = NaN,
bright: Number = NaN)
Creates a ColorHSB object from a RGB uint color definition if only a color value is given
public function ColorMatrix(aMatrix: Array = null)
public static function ColorStrip():Shape
ColorStrip code generated by µShape.
public function compareStringCaseInSensitive(a: String,
b: String):int
DATA STRUCTURES FOR GAME PROGRAMMERS Copyright © 2007 Michael Baczynski,
public function compareStringCaseInSensitiveDesc(a: String,
b: String):int
DATA STRUCTURES FOR GAME PROGRAMMERS Copyright © 2007 Michael Baczynski,
public function compareStringCaseSensitive(a: String,
b: String):int
DATA STRUCTURES FOR GAME PROGRAMMERS Copyright © 2007 Michael Baczynski,
public function compareStringCaseSensitiveDesc(a: String,
b: String):int
DATA STRUCTURES FOR GAME PROGRAMMERS Copyright © 2007 Michael Baczynski,
protected function computeFrameData(uFirstFrame: uint,
uLastFrame: uint):void
Computes the necessary frame data for each tween.
public function concat(...args):DLinkedList
Concatenates the current list with all lists specified in the parameters and returns a new linked list.
public function concat(...args):SLinkedList
Concatenates the current list with all lists specified in the parameters and returns a new linked list.
public function ConfirmForm(formColor: uint)
Create an empty confirmation dialog box.
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
function contains(obj: *):Boolean
Determines if the collection contains a given item.
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
Checks if a given item exists.
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
public function contains(obj: *):Boolean
public function containsKey(objKey: Object):Boolean
Checks to see if this collection contains the specified key.
public function contrast(objTarget: IColorable,  
nTargetValue: Number,  
nDuration: Number,  
strTransition: String = DEFAULT_TRANSITION,
uRenderMethod: uint = DEFAULT_RENDER_METHOD):void
Animates the contrast of a ‘colorable’ object to the desired target color value.
public function ContrastAnimation(objTarget: IColorable,
nTargetValue: Number,
nDuration: Number,
strTransition: String,
uRenderMethod: uint)
public function Controller(app: Sprite)
Controller constructor, paints the application background.
public function convertStrokeIndexToPath(strokeIndex: int):Path
Convert the indexed Stroke to a Path.
public static function convertStrokeToPath(strokePath: Stroke):Path
Converts a Stroke object defining a path into a Path object.
public function count():int
Recursively counts the total number of nodes including this node.
private function createColorGradient():Sprite
Creates the saturation/brightness gradient box, a triangle marker for the current hue and a circle indicating the current color.
private function createColorHue():Sprite
Creates the color hue wheel.
public function createDefaultPath():Stroke
Returns a path stroke with default settings.
public function createDefaultStroke():Stroke
Returns a shape stroke with default settings.
public static function createGradientArray(startColor: uint,  
numColors: uint,  
useNext: Boolean = false):Array
Creates an array of RGB color values that gradually change in hue.
private function createIndicator():Shape
createIndicator code generated by µShape.
private function createPoints():Sprite
Returns a new point sprite with buttonMode set.
private function createPointSprite(itemParent: DisplayObjectContainer,
pos: Point,
spriteName: String):Sprite
Creates a point sprite representing one of the points defined in a StrokeItem.
private function createScaleButton(i: uint):void
Creates a color scale button and places it in a circle.
private function createShapeDef(cmds: Array,
rotation: int,
fill: Object,
stroke: Object):ShapeSVG
Creates and returns a ShapeSVG object from the d attribute of the SVG PATH tag given in the cmds array.
private function createTab(pageName: String):Sprite
Creates a tab sprite with a page name label.
public static function cubicIn(t: Number,
b: Number,
c: Number,
d: Number):Number
Cubic in easing equation.
public static function cubicInAndOut(t: Number,
b: Number,
c: Number,
d: Number):Number
Cubic in and out easing equation.
public static function cubicOut(t: Number,
b: Number,
c: Number,
d: Number):Number
Cubic out easing equation.
public function Curve(objStart: Point,
objEnd: Point,
objControl: Point)
public function curveTo(nControlX: Number,
nControlY: Number,
nX: Number,
nY: Number):void
Creates a curve from the current location to the specified coordinate.