Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 generate, Lorenz
 generateActionCode, StrokeCodeGenerator
 generateAnimationCode, MovieCodeGenerator
 generateBoxCode, StyleCodeGenerator
 GenerateCode, Asset
 generateFillCode, StyleCodeGenerator
 generateFilterCode, FilterCodeGenerator
 GenerateForm, GenerateForm
 generateGraphicsCode, StrokeCodeGenerator
 generateMemberCode, MovieCodeGenerator
 generateMembersCode, MovieCodeGenerator
 generatePathCode, StrokeCodeGenerator
 generateSceneGraphCode, MovieCodeGenerator
 generateSceneNodeCode, MovieCodeGenerator
 generateSceneNodesCode, MovieCodeGenerator
 generateStrokeCode, MovieCodeGenerator
 generateStrokesCode, MovieCodeGenerator
 generateStyleCode, StyleCodeGenerator
 generateTransformCode, MovieCodeGenerator
 generateTransitionType, MovieCodeGenerator
 getAngleAt, Path
 getArray, Array2
 getBit, BitVector
 getColor, TabPane
 getDepth, BinaryTreeNode
 getInstance, EventBroadcaster
 getKeyIterator, HashMap
 getKeySet, HashMap
 getLayer, Array3
 getPointAt, Path
 getPropertyType, TweenEx
 GetQuadBez_RP, Bezier
 GetQuadBez_TG, Bezier
 getQuadBezier, Bezier
 getStrokeAt, SceneGraph
 getStrokeIndexByName, SceneGraph
 getTreeIterator, TreeNode
 getTweenAt, TimelineEx
 getValueIterator, HashMap
 gotoAndPlay, Timeline
 gotoAndPlayReverse, Timeline
 gotoAndStop, Timeline
 gradientByteArray, ColorHSB
 Graph, Graph
 GraphArc, GraphArc
 GraphNode, GraphNode
private function generate():Shape
Creates a few circles with the next color in the color palette.
private static function generateActionCode(item: StrokeItem,
itemPrev: StrokeItem,
scaleXFunc: Function,
scaleYFunc: Function):String
Generate AS3 code for a graphics drawing action.
private static function generateAnimationCode(timeline: TimelineEx,
title: String,
methodName: String,
timelineName: String,
className: String,
indent: String,
codeStyle: Object):String
Generate AS3 code for a method to add a series of tweens to a timeline.
public static function generateBoxCode(style: StrokeStyle):String
Generates AS3 code for a gradient box method call.
public function generateCode():String
Generates and returns an AS3 method that returns a Sprite representing the imported SVG path definitions.
public static function generateCode(movie: MovieScene,
title: String,
codeStyle: Object):String
Generates script code for a complete movie scene that can be compiled into a standalone application.
public function generateCode(title: String,
codeStyle: Object):String
Generates script code for a complete movie scene that can be compiled into a standalone application.
public function generateCode():String
Generates and returns AS3 code corresponding to the shape object.
public function generateCode(title: String,
indent: String,
codeStyle: Object):String
Generates script code for methods creating a stroke sprite, shape or a path.
public static function generateCode(stroke: Stroke,
title: String,
indent: String,
codeStyle: Object):String
Generates script code for methods creating a stroke sprite, shape or a path.
public static function GenerateCode():Shape
GenerateCode code generated by µShape.
public static function generateFillCode(style: StrokeStyle,
boxName: String):String
Generates AS3 code for a solid or gradient fill style.
public static function generateFilterCode(filter: StrokeFilter,
lName: String,
tempName: String,
indent: String,
codeStyle: Object):String
Generates script code for the blur, bevel and drop shadow filters on shape.
public function GenerateForm()
Form constructor
private static function generateGraphicsCode(stroke: Stroke,
title: String,
shapeName: String,
tempName: String,
indent: String,
appendCode: String,
scaleXFunc: Function,
scaleYFunc: Function):String
Generate AS3 code for a method creating a sprite or a shape.
private static function generateMemberCode(nodeStroke: Stroke,
arg: Object):String
Generate AS3 code for a data member holding a stroke sprite and shape object.
private static function generateMembersCode(scene: SceneGraph,
title: String,
indent: String,
codeStyle: Object):String
Generate AS3 code for data members holding stroke sprite and shape objects.
private static function generatePathCode(stroke: Stroke,
title: String,
shapeName: String,
tempName: String,
indent: String):String
Generate AS3 code for a method creating a value or motion path.
private static function generateSceneGraphCode(scene: SceneGraph,
title: String,
methodName: String,
className: String,
indent: String,
codeStyle: Object):String
Generate AS3 code for a method to create all stroke shapes and masks.
private static function generateSceneNodeCode(nodeStroke: Stroke,
arg: Object):String
Generate AS3 code for a snippet to create a stroke, add to its parent and as a mask if appropriate.
private static function generateSceneNodesCode(scene: SceneGraph,
title: String,
indent: String,
codeStyle: Object):String
Generate AS3 code for a snippet to create strokes, their relationships and masks.
private static function generateStrokeCode(nodeStroke: Stroke,
arg: Object):String
Generate AS3 code for a method to create a stroke sprite, shape or path object.
private static function generateStrokesCode(scene: SceneGraph,
title: String,
indent: String,
codeStyle: Object):String
Generate AS3 code for all methods creating stroke shapes and paths in the movie scene.
public static function generateStyleCode(style: StrokeStyle):String
Generates AS3 code for a line style.
private static function generateTransformCode(tweenEx: TweenExInterface,
objectName: String,
indent: String):String
Generate AS3 code for initialization of matrix and color transforms.
private static function generateTransitionType(transition: String):String
Generate a symbolic transition constant from a pseudo-enumeration transition string.
public function get(x: int,
y: int):*
Reads a value from a given x/y index.
public function get(x: int,
y: int,
z: int):*
Reads a value from a given x/y/z index.
public function get(objKey: Object):Object
Gets the value that is paired with the specified key.
public function get(obj: *):*
Reads an item from the set.
public function getAngleAt(nPosition: Number):Number
Gets the angle of a position along this path using a float value of ‘0.0’ to ‘1.0’ where ‘0.0’ is the start of the path and ‘1.0’ is the end of the path.
public function getArc(from: int,
to: int):GraphArc
Finds an arc pointing to the node at the ‘from’ index to the node at the ‘to’ index.
public function getArc(target: GraphNode):GraphArc
Finds the arc that points to the given node.
public function getArray():Array
Grants access to the the linear array which is used internally to store the data in the two-dimensional array.
public function getAt(i: int):*
Reads an item relative to the front index.
public function getAt(i: int):*
Reads an item at a given index.
public function getBit(index: int):int
Gets a bit from a given index.
private function getBitmapFilter():BitmapFilter
Constructs a drop shadow filter
private function getBitmapFilter():BitmapFilter
Creates a simple drop shadow filter
private function getBitmapFilter(color: uint):BitmapFilter
Gets a bevel bitmap filter to give the button a raised look.
private function getBitmapFilter(color: uint):BitmapFilter
Gets a bevel bitmap filter to give the button a raised look.
public function getCol(x: int):Array
Extracts a column from a given index.
public function getCol(z: int,
x: int):Array
Extracts a colum from a given index and depth (layer).
private function getColor():uint
Gets a bright palette color for a tab page without an application defined color.
public function getDepth(node: BinaryTreeNode = null):int
Computes the depth of a tree.
private function getElementIndex(objElement: Object):int
Loops through the data array and checks each element against the passed element.
private function getElementIndex(objElement: Object):int
Loops through the data array and checks each element against the passed element.
protected function getFilters():Array
Gets an array containing all the target object’s filters, except for the target filter.
protected function getFilters():Array
Gets an array containing all the target object’s filters, except for the target filter.
public static function getInstance():EventBroadcaster
Gets the singleton instance of the event broadcaster.
public function getIterator():Iterator
public function getIterator():Iterator
public function getIterator():Iterator
public function getIterator():Iterator
public function getIterator():Iterator
An iterator is not supported, use BinaryTreeNode.preorder(), inorder() and postorder() instead.
public function getIterator(uIterator: uint = 2):IIterator
Returns an iterator of the specified type.
function getIterator():Iterator
Initializes an iterator object pointing to the first item in the collection.
public function getIterator():Iterator
public function getIterator():Iterator
public function getIterator(uIterator: uint = 2):IIterator
Returns an iterator of the specified type.
public function getIterator():Iterator
public function getIterator():Iterator
function getIterator(
   uIterator: uint = 2
):IIterator // 2 -> IteratorType.ARRAY_FORWARD
Returns an iterator of the specified type.
public function getIterator():Iterator
public function getIterator():Iterator
public function getIterator():Iterator
public function getIterator(uIterator: uint = 2):IIterator
Returns an iterator of the specified type.
public function getIterator():Iterator
public function getIterator():Iterator
public function getIterator(uIterator: uint = 2):IIterator
Returns an iterator of the specified type.
public function getIterator():Iterator
public function getKeyIterator(uIterator: uint = 2):IIterator
Returns an iterator of the specified type for iterating through keys.
public function getKeySet():Array
Writes all keys into an array.
public function getLayer(z: int):Array2
Copies the data from a given depth (layer) into a two-dimensional array.
public function getListIterator():DListIterator
Creates a list iterator object pointing to the first node in the list.
public function getListIterator():SListIterator
Creates a list iterator object pointing to the first node in the list.
public function getPointAt(nPosition: Number):Point
Gets the coordinate of a position along this path using a float value of ‘0.0’ to ‘1.0’ where ‘0.0’ is the start of the path and ‘1.0’ is the end of the path.
public static function getPropertyType(property: String):String
Classifies the property into a property type group.
private function GetQuadBez_RP(a: Point,
b: Point,
c: Point,
d: Point,
k: int):void
Recursive midpoint approximation of a cubic bezier with as many quadratic bezier segments (n) as required to achieve specified tolerance.
private function GetQuadBez_TG(P0: Point,
P1: Point,
P2: Point,
P3: Point):void
Midpoint approximation of a cubic bezier with four quad segments.
private function getQuadBezier(p1Anchor: Point,
p2Anchor: Point,
c1Control: Point,
c2Control: Point):void
Calls either GetQuadBez_TG or GetQuadBez_RP depending on tolerance.
public function getRow(y: int):Array
Extracts a row from a given index.
public function getRow(z: int,
y: int):Array
Extracts a row from a given y index and depth (layer).
public function getStrokeAt(index: int):Stroke
Finds the Stroke at the index position.
public function getStrokeIndexByName(name: String):int
Finds the index of a Stroke with the shape asset name.
protected function getTargetFilter():BitmapFilter
Gets a reference to the target filter.
protected function getTargetFilter():BitmapFilter
Gets a reference to the target filter.
public function getTreeIterator():TreeIterator
Creates a tree iterator pointing at this tree node.
public function getTweenAt(index: int):ITween
Finds the tween at the index and returns a reference to it.
public function getValueIterator(uIterator: uint = 2):IIterator
Returns an iterator of the specified type for iterating through values.
public final function Global()
public function gotoAndPlay(uFrame: uint):void
Moves the playhead to the desired frame and then plays from there.
public function gotoAndPlayReverse(uFrame: uint):void
Moves the playhead to the desired frame and then plays in reverse from there.
public function gotoAndStop(uFrame: uint):void
Moves the playhead to the desired frame and then stops.
public function gradientByteArray(width: int,
height: int):ByteArray
Creates a byte array with color values of varying saturation and brightness based on the hue of the current color.
public function Graph(size: int)
Creates an empty graph.
public function GraphArc(node: GraphNode,  
weight: Number = 1)
Creates a new graph arc with a given weight.
public function GraphNode(obj: *)
Creates a new graph node.