Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 elasticIn, Transitions
 elasticInAndOut, Transitions
 elasticOut, Transitions
 EllipseOff, Asset
 EllipseOn, Asset
 enable, Tooltips
 EnhancedBitmap, EnhancedBitmap
 EnhancedMovieClip, EnhancedMovieClip
 EnhancedShape, EnhancedShape
 EnhancedSimpleButton, EnhancedSimpleButton
 EnhancedSprite, EnhancedSprite
 error, out
 EventBroadcaster, EventBroadcaster
 expoIn, Transitions
 expoInAndOut, Transitions
 expoOut, Transitions
 fatal, out
 fileRead, airSprite
 fileReadHandler, airSprite
 fillColorGradient, ColorForm
 filter, AnimationManager
 FilterAnimation, FilterAnimation
 FilterTween, FilterTween
 findGroup, ToggleButton
 findPathNode, ImportSVG
 FitGradientBox, Asset
 ForwardArrayIterator, ForwardArrayIterator
 Framebuffer, Framebuffer
 functions, AnimationManager
 FunctionsAnimation, FunctionsAnimation
public static function elasticIn(t: Number,
b: Number,
c: Number,
d: Number):Number
Elastic in easing equation.
public static function elasticInAndOut(t: Number,
b: Number,
c: Number,
d: Number):Number
Elastic in and out easing equation.
public static function elasticOut(t: Number,
b: Number,
c: Number,
d: Number):Number
Elastic out easing equation.
public static function EllipseOff():Shape
EllipseOff code generated by µShape.
public static function EllipseOn():Shape
EllipseOn code generated by µShape.
public function enable():void
Allow the tooltip manager to display tooltips.
public function end():void
Moves the iterator to the tail node.
public function end():void
Moves the iterator to the tail node.
public function EnhancedBitmap()
public function EnhancedMovieClip()
public function EnhancedShape()
public function EnhancedSimpleButton()
public function EnhancedSprite()
public function enqueue(obj: *):Boolean
Enqueues some data.
public function enqueue(obj: *):Boolean
Enqueues some data.
public function enqueue(obj: *):void
Enqueues some data.
public function enqueue(obj: Prioritizable):Boolean
Enqueues a prioritized item.
public static function error(... args):void
Trace arguments with the error style
public function EventBroadcaster(objEnforcer: SingletonEnforcer)
public static function expoIn(t: Number,
b: Number,
c: Number,
d: Number):Number
Expo in easing equation.
public static function expoInAndOut(t: Number,
b: Number,
c: Number,
d: Number):Number
Expo in and out easing equation.
public static function expoOut(t: Number,
b: Number,
c: Number,
d: Number):Number
Expo out easing equation.
public static function fatal(... args):void
Trace arguments with the fatal error style
private function fileRead(scriptFile: File):void
Prepare to read the script File asyncronously.
private function fileReadHandler(event: Event):void
Read the contents of the loaded file and let the application load it.
public function fill(obj: *):void
Writes a given value into each cell of the two-dimensional array.
public function fill(obj: *):void
Writes a given value into each cell of the three-dimensional array.
private function fillColorGradient(gradientHue: Number):void
Fills the saturation/brightness gradient box with a gradient based on a new hue.
public function filter(objTarget: DisplayObject,  
objFilter: Class,  
strProperty: String,  
nTargetValue: Number,  
nDuration: Number,  
strTransition: String = DEFAULT_TRANSITION,
uRenderMethod: uint = DEFAULT_RENDER_METHOD):void
Animates the property of any object’s filter to a specified target value.
public function FilterAnimation(objTarget: DisplayObject,
objFilter: Class,
strProperty: String,
nTargetValue: Number,
nDuration: Number,
strTransition: String,
uRenderMethod: uint)
public function FilterTween(objToTween: DisplayObject,  
objFilter: Class,  
strProperty: String,  
nTargetValue: Number,  
uFirstFrame: uint,  
uLastFrame: uint,  
strTransition: String = DEFAULT_TRANSITION)
public function find(obj: *):BinaryTreeNode
Finds a piece of data in the tree and returns a reference to the node that contains a match, or null if no match is found.
public function find(key: *):*
Finds the value that is associated with the given key.
public function find(key: *):*
Finds the entry that is associated with the given key.
private function findFilterIndex(displayObject: DisplayObject,
filterClassName: String):int
Find the first filter on the displayObject with a class name that matches the filterClassName.
private function findFilterIndex(displayObject: DisplayObject,
filterClassName: String):int
Find the first filter on the displayObject which class matches the filterClassName
private function findGroup(groupObj: Object):Object
Finds the internal group instance with the id of the given groupObj.
private function findPathNode(node: XMLNode,
defaultFill: Object,
defaultStroke: Object):void
Recursively looks at XML objects to find PATH nodes.
public static function FitGradientBox():Shape
FitGradientBox code generated by µShape.
public function forth():void
Moves the iterator to the next node.
public function forth():void
Moves the iterator to the next node.
public function ForwardArrayIterator(aData: Array)
public function Framebuffer(nRefreshRate: Number)
public function functions(objTarget: Object,  
strGetFunction: String,  
strSetFunction: String,  
nTargetValue: Number,  
nDuration: Number,  
strTransition: String = DEFAULT_TRANSITION,
uRenderMethod: uint = DEFAULT_RENDER_METHOD):void
Animates any value that is accessed through get and set functions instead of getter/setters.
public function FunctionsAnimation(objTarget: Object,
strGetFunction: String,
strSetFunction: String,
nTargetValue: Number,
nDuration: Number,
strTransition: String,
uRenderMethod: uint)